It’s time to put those cloud fears to bed

Since the advent of big data as a common business issue and cloud computing as a data management solution, there has been much chatter about both. Some of the more traditionally-minded professionals have suggested that the cloud is an inadequate information management solution because it lacks the level of security businesses need. Those fears can be put aside.

An article in Smart Businesses titled "How holding to cloud hosting and data management myths could cost you" addresses this very issue and emphatically states that many of the fears about cloud computing are unfounded. 

"Cloud infrastructure is at least as secure and possibly more secure than the dedicated servers many companies are currently using," writes Ryan Niddel, the article's author. "The hardware virtualization architecture used in cloud hosting keeps systems working through redundancy, which means utilizing multiple servers to back up clients' data. And the transition from one environment to another happens with no perceived interruption in service."

Essentially, the nature of hosting data in the cloud is what will inevitably protect it from a security breach. This means that when organizations are finding ways to manage information, perhaps by creating a custom database software system, hosting that solution in the cloud will go a long way toward keeping information safe. 

FileMaker is a perfect development solution for businesses looking for smart ways to store and manage their data. Not only will they be able to build an effective application that can help view and report on information in real-time, the ability to host this system in the cloud will provide extra layers of efficiency. And, despite traditional thought, users managing this system in the cloud can rest assured knowing their data is safe and secure. 

Study: Businesses lose productivity when they aren’t equipped to handle IT issues

Productivity is the key to business profitability. When it comes down to it, companies need their employees to do the jobs they are assigned to and for everyone to work as a cohesive unit. However, in an increasingly technical workspace, that’s becoming harder for many companies, as any failures pertaining to hardware or software must be addressed. Often, smaller organizations lack the personnel to manage these issues with licensed professionals.

If a server should shut down or a backup fails and information is lost, any company without an IT staffer onsite has limited options. Typically, the individual in the office with the most computer knowledge is asked to perform the task, which certainly isn’t an ideal solution.

Not only is the person tasked with solving the problem likely untrained in whatever they are doing, they also aren’t doing their actual job, at least at that moment, so the company suffers greatly. A recent study covered this scenario and found that businesses lose up to $24 million each year in productivity as a result.

“Many small businesses do not have the budget for formal IT support, so they rely on the company’s most tech-savvy individual to manage their technology,” said Andy Bose, CEO of AMI-Partners, the organization that conducted the survey.

Many issues like this relate to lost information. Businesses obtain complex hardware and software solutions that they are unequipped to manage and, as a result, data becomes lost. Instead, organizations should simplify the process with a database software system that’s both user-friendly and accessible from a multitude of places. This alleviates the stress on any one particular system.

FileMaker is a perfect solution in this scenario because it can be hosted in the cloud, which can help reduce a number of complex IT infrastructure issues that some companies may not be able to fix.

Rebranding? Make sure you organize your data

Rebranding is a major venture at any organization but, at times, it is completely necessary. When a company decides its current image has grown stale, or it wants to slightly adjust its offerings to attract new business, rebranding could be in order. However, because this action can make or break an organization, it's imperative that enough effort goes into the project to ensure its success. This includes the collection of a substantial amount of data.

A rebranding effort is designed to change the way a company appears in front of the public. So, it's best to gauge the public's opinion prior to committing to any dramatic change in the tone of an organization. Social media campaigns are popular because they are so easy to manage with today's technology, but there are other ways to reach out and extract data from potential customers as well. The key is to find a way to store and manage that information.

Developing a system designed to pull, sort, view and report on pertinent information can go a long way toward ensuring the success of a rebranding strategy. Suppose an organization wants to change its color scheme and it ran a public poll with three different options to choose from. The company will want to know which scheme received the most votes, so it can incorporate that information into its strategy.

However, it should be noted that information isn't always as cut-and-dry. One color scheme could emerge as the winner of that particular poll, but those who voted on it may not be the target audience. That information will have to be considered as well. 

Ultimately, the amount of data that goes into structuring a rebranding project is vast and it is extremely complex. Using simply systems to manage it won't allow businesses to yield the most value from their information. Using FileMaker to create a custom database software solution, however, will give companies the tools they need to harness the power of their data and orchestrate a truly positive rebranding strategy. 

Database software can help detect and fix online issues

Communication between businesses and consumers has been increasingly digital since the advent of the internet. Moreover, the shift from in-person to online interaction appears to be accelerating, rather than slowing down. Today, organizations rely on online interaction with consumers to fuel their business initiatives, and any issue that prevents that could lead to major problems.

Companies need solutions in place to monitor Web activity and the successes and failures that accompany the online experience. For example, suppose the website is down for a period of time or a specific function of the site is broken. Those issues must be handled quickly.

In today's big data era, they can be. You've probably seen an application crash and a subsequent popup message asking if you want to restart the program or send information to an admin. When issues are reported, this is data that can be processed to fix these issues quickly without compromising the user experience.

Anindya Neogi, a contributor with Forbes India, wrote a recent article explaining his problems paying his mobile bill online. The payment portal wasn't working and, although Neogi works in IT and has an understanding of how issues like this get fixed, he was frustrated due to the amount of time it was taking to resolve his issue. 

Negoi compared encountering an online issue with calling to file a complaint, and how each is resolved at a different rate. 

"When I lodge my complaint with the call-center and the application support engineer is called in, how does he detect the problem in minutes and not 24-48 hours?" he asked. "The IT systems produce a huge amount of data with wide variety to trace most activities, such as those on the payment transaction flow."

Businesses need a system designed to better process data generated from online issues. A custom database software system will allow information to be found and processed quickly, which will improve the effectiveness of online services.

IDC: Big data, analytics and the cloud fueling software adoption and development

The driving force behind global software adoption is being led by three different trends, but they are all related to one specific need: better information management.

According to a report from the International Data Corporation (IDC), software adoption and development is growing on a global scale. In 2012, the worldwide software market grew by 3.6 percent, higher than the IDC’s initial projection of 3.4 percent. This is lower than the year-over-year difference between 2010 and 2011, but according to the firm, it shows that organizations have more focused needs. IDC says that adoption is being fueled by greater needs in the areas of big data, analytics and cloud computing.

These three areas each grew between 6 and 7 percent, indicating that businesses are putting a greater emphasis on the three over other software needs. Henry Morris, Senior Vice President for Worldwide Software, Services and Executive Advisory Research, shared his analysis of the findings with the online publication Fin Channel.

“The global software market, comprised of a multi-layered collection of technologies and solutions, is growing more slowly in this period of economic uncertainty,” Morris said. “Yet there is strong growth in selective areas.”

These three needs are closely tied together because they all represent the importance of efficient data management. While big data shows that information must be processed in a way that allows organizations to extract value from it, analytics shows where that value lies. Meanwhile, cloud computing shows that companies need somewhere to store and view their data without having to replace physical machines.

Ultimately, developing a custom database software system can help organizations meet all three important needs. A FileMaker-based solution allows users to manage large quantities of information, analyze and report on it, and even host it in the cloud. Going forward, these three trends of business technology don’t appear to be slowing down, so creating a system now will put businesses in a solid position in the years to come.

The words that sparked the big data era

Big data as a term may be a recent creation, but the concept goes as far back as the 1950s, long predating the rise of the modern PC.

In 1955, famed businessman Peter Drucker spoke with a number of IBM executives about their efforts to drive the sales of what were, at the time, nothing more than clunky accounting machines. IBM's brilliant selling point was that these machines allowed users to collect information. The tools contained within the accounting machine allowed organizations to process information and save it for future use. 

Drucker ended the discussion with one prophetic line that would serve as the motivation for so many innovations over the last 58 years: "I wish you knew more about what to do with information once you get it, but that is a private wish."

Today, this idea is still being worked out. Businesses are still trying to develop solutions that will allow them to better use data once it is obtained. This is the crux of the big data era. 

This week, Forbes ran a feature on this famed story, and suggested that Drucker's vision is finally being carried out. The article lists a number of professionals, some of whom were directly influenced by the words uttered in 1955, who have now dedicated their lives to finding better big data solutions.

The thing is, not every company has the same information management needs or, for that matter, the same definition of big data. While everybody is finding ways to better handle their own data, there are different methods. Some company mission statements may call for different procedures. 

That's why FileMaker is an ideal development platform. With this system, businesses can create custom database software programs designed to manage information the way that best fits their organization. These created solutions will cater themselves to the specific operations of a company.

Most people share the same vision of Peter Drucker. By developing a FileMaker-based system, they can fulfill that vision the way they see fit. 

April, 2013 Newsletter

Checkout this month’s newsletter and stay up-to-date with Kyo Logic. Kyo Logic, LLC April, 2013 Newsletter In This Issue

  • We’re Crazy About FileMaker Go!
  • FileMaker Developer Conference 2013
  • FM Academy
  • CT FileMaker Developer’s Group
  • Software Update: FileMaker 12.0v4 Server and Server Advanced Released
  • Software Update: FileMaker 11.0v5 Server and Server Advanced Released

Custom database software can help small business owners

Small business owners tend to have a lot on their plate. Often, in addition to maintaining operations and keeping the business profitable, they are responsible for managing their company's marketing, sales and technology departments. All of these tasks can be extremely difficult to juggle at the same time.

When individuals have to wear multiple hats, they are under a tremendous amount of pressure to maintain a high level of efficiency. Information is coming from every angle and, without the benefit of a full staff to manage it all, small business owners must take on most of the responsibility, which could put their operation at risk.

In this case, technology is the best answer. Investing in solutions designed to spur greater productivity will allow small business owners to maintain their viability. However, as business picks up and it becomes harder to maintain steady workflow, these individuals may need to prioritize what's important and concentrate their efforts in those areas. 

For example, Connie Certusi, a business technology executive, recently spoke with the online publication The Accounting Web about the importance of managing financial data and how small business owners should invest solutions that will assist with accounting needs. 

"It's no surprise that most small business owners wear numerous hats and tend to take a very hands-on approach with managing various aspects of their business," Certusi said, who pointed to a recent survey that stressed the importance of financial apps. "While there's no doubt that those small business owners who don't use accounting software are successful, based on the survey, it's indicative that there are several business activities that they need to be more versed in."

Managing financial data is crucial, but it's equally important to ensure that information fits with all other components of the business. By using FileMaker to develop a custom database software system, small business owners can harness the power of an entire team of workers with custom reporting apps and data management tools that will allow them to integrate financial information in a way that benefits the entire organization.

Mobile device usage creates new marketing data

For marketers, the rapid proliferation of mobile technology can be both a gift and a curse.

For years, companies have been focusing on compiling data that can tell them exactly  where their customers are and how they are behaving. The advent of social media in the mid-2000s went a long way toward making this happen, but part of the problem in the early years of Facebook and Twitter was that the majority of user interaction was happening at a stationary computer. While businesses were obtaining valuable data, it was all coming from the same place for each user.

Mobile technology changed all of that. Today, companies know when their customers are checking into their place of business on Foursquare. If they are tweeting from down the street, that information becomes available. Because users keep their smartphones and tablets on them at all times, they can update their respective statuses and interact with companies all throughout the day. The mobile device unlocked a bevy of untapped marketing resources. 

However, that amount of data has to be properly managed. For many professionals in the marketing industry, it's crucial to ensure that data can be properly collected, viewed and used to gain a competitive advantage. If organizations are acquiring location-specific information for each potential customer, data volumes could increase tenfold. Without a system in place to keep it all organized, a company's marketing efforts could be significantly damaged.

Building a custom database software system can help companies keep their data organized so that it can work to their advantage and not be a burden on a business' marketing efforts. FileMaker-based systems are flexible and scalable, so, as new technology spurs an increase in marketing data sets, organizations can stay on top of the influx of new information.

How cloud computing can help accommodate data growth

The cloud offers myriad advantages over more traditional forms of data storage because of its ability to stretch and accommodate growing volumes. Unlike a physical server with a drive designed to store a specified amount of information, organizations that implement a cloud computing solution can add virtual storage space, which is considerably easier than replacing physical machines. In the era of big data, more businesses are using the cloud to accommodate their own growth. 

An article in Forbes underlines the importance of the cloud in any data management program. Michael Goodenough, the article's author, lists a number of reasons why businesses must ensure they can handle data growth. In addition to keeping the business moving in the right direction, there are regulatory factors to consider as well. 

"Once companies have eliminated unnecessary data and implemented an information lifecycle management solution, they'll eventually need a data storage solution," Goodenough writes. "Compliance, data retention requirements, and the rising cost of hardware infrastructure are pushing businesses to explore alternatives to traditional storage."

However, simply implementing a system designed to manage increased data will only go so far. It's just as important to have a system to manage the cloud storage environment. Designing a custom database software system that can be hosted in a cloud environment can allow users to access and manage pertinent information without compromising efficiency or risking the loss of data.

Systems created in FileMaker are ideal for the cloud environment because they too can scale to accommodate new data. This virtual solution gives businesses the flexibility they need to allow data to keep growing without having to make new physical installations. The streamlined process will keep companies running while their information volumes continue to rise.